Sunday, April 25, 2010

who the cap fit

Our fair-haired boy is definitely vulnerable to the sun's harmful rays, so an excursion to the park means a healthy application of sunscreen and the selection of a rakish and flattering hat. It doesn't seem like it's possible that he could be cuter with his curls covered up, but apparently it's so.

He also got a new HazMat-esque bib that helps to minimize the collateral damage at mealtime. He's been diligently practicing his sippy-cup skills, with an assist from Grandma.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

life and how to live it

As we all know, life is an education. Here's some of the things Cassidy has been learning:
- It never hurts to ask for what you want.
- Grandmas are very helpful at figuring out shapes.
- Pigeons are put on this earth to be chased.
- The slide can be scary, so make sure someone's holding your hand.
- Always wear your sun hat. Girls dig it.
- You have to keep up with your email, or it gets overwhelming.
- Babies should have a calendar to help plan their busy days.
- At the end of a busy weekend, there's nothing better than crashing out on Mom's lap.

Monday, April 12, 2010

happy feet

Here's some pictures from the last couple of weeks, including Cassidy demonstrating his new foot-oriented eating style, wearing his sun hat, practicing his come-hither look in the mirror, and singing for his supper. We've also got a photo from his recent excursion to Fairyland with Freya.