Sunday, July 17, 2011

every picture tells a story

love from san francisco and point reyes

Monday, July 4, 2011

this here giraffe

We took Cassidy to the San Francisco Zoo for Fourth of July. He had a lot of fun racing around and seeing all the animals. He was quite impressed with the giraffe - according to him, his favorite animals were "giraffe" and "other giraffe." He humored us by agreeing to see the hippos and eagles when there weren't giraffes nearby.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

wave that flag

Cassidy is enjoying his first tattoo (don't worry, it's temporary). It gives him a bit of a bad-boy edge, and is a big winner with the girls at the playground. His oh-so-stylish dinosaur hat, worn at a rakish angle, is also a proven crowd-pleaser.